Mini Foil
A Mohawk section highlights to customize a blonding effect
A Mohawk section highlights to customize a blonding effect
Blonding + roots touched up with base color
Half a head of blonding technique to achieve a lived in look
Full head of blonding to achieve a blonde look
On the scalp bleaching (no natural color left)
This is a add on service for buffing out your highlight/balayage to transition to a softer grow out. Not a permanent color!
Refresh brassy/ unwanted tones in hair with a blowout and style
Add this to a haircut service. This is for hair that is needing a color refresher to enhance the look of your blonde or color
This is ONLY if you are adding permanent gray coverage with a foil service
Permanent single color to cover the roots only. Not a blonde service
Permanent single color on roots with a haircut
Permanent single color all over from roots to ends. Not a blonding service
Permanent single color all over from roots to ends with a haircut.Not a blonding service
Shampoo, blowout and style
Curl or straighten hair
No shampoo or blow dry, just a haircut on dry hair, not recommended for everyone.
Shampoo, cut, blowout and style
Hair around the face, like face framing to give texture
Questions about the pricing and best type of extensions for your hair type. Color matching and picking the length
$50.00 deposit required
This is for existing clients only* move up extensions at 3-4 weeks after install.
Questions about what kind of coloring services are best for your hair
Conditioning service for dry/ damaged/ brittle hair